Creating value through software πŸ“Š

The need to develop software always stems from a specific goal or problem. Usually the goal is to create value for your organization and/or end users. It is important to analyze the goal or problem early, before you start developing software.

To find out whether your solution has the right β€œfit”, you can use a value proposition canvas (VPC).

Value proposition canvas (VPC)

The value proposition canvas is a practical tool that helps validate your innovative idea. A division is made here between the customer profile and the value map.

Value Proposition Canvas

Filling in a VPC starts on the right side of the canvas. Here you put yourself in the shoes of the end user and specify his customer job(s), gains and pains.

The value map (left in the VPC) describes how you intend to create value. You also divide this into 3 segments: Products & Services, Gain Creators and Pain Relievers.

After filling in all segments, you can zoom out again and view the canvas in its entirety. When the right side is mirrored with the left, you have reached a ‘fit’πŸ₯³.Β 

Are you not yet completely convinced of your value proposition? That’s okay, let it rest for a while and come back to it later. The VPC is designed to be updated quickly and iteratively. Make sure you continuously measure and monitor your value propositions and business models to keep improving and reinventing yourself time and again.

Next steps

After your idea has been validated, you can proceed to realization πŸš€. This starts with developing a minimum viable product (MVP). At Fastlane Software Solutions we think along from start to finish.

Inspired? Contact us to see what we can do for you.


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